

You Are Qualified To Be Among The 256 persons To Join The Free Training Where You Will Be Learning…

How to Make 75k plus, Monthly, With No Government Support

And Never Be Broke Again In Your Life!

Please be calm, because what you are about to get is what will change your life and make you become extremely proud of yourself anywhere, any day, anytime.

Now, kindly reset your mind to “Money Making Mode” before you start the free 9 Day Graphic Design + Marketing Course

…Which I have designed for you to attract more sales in your business (or as a Nigerian student). 

Before you go, listen to what this young lady told me after she graduated from my paid class which you are about to get for free from A-Z. 

She confirmed that you will achieve exactly what you are aiming to learn in this intensive course which I have prepared my mind to take you by hand and never let you down (if you are serious).

And Kenny is one of the skilled competent smartphone designer who is highly disciplined. 

And here is him telling you that IM-possibility is freaking nothing if you also put your mind to what I will be teaching you for free.  

And prepare your mind to start getting good opportunity that will make your lazy friends start getting jealous of you when you start making money after this training. 

My Dear Fellow Nigerian,

If you are an entrepreneur, I congratulate you once again.

And even if you are a student who don’t know jack about business, I am willing to hold your two (2) hands and drag you into the land of money makers (without collecting 1kobo from you).

Yes, without telling you to pay one “nonsense money” before and after training.

And if you are here thinking you have money to pay,

Kindly Leave This Page Because I Don’t Need Your Money Before I Teach You What Will Equip You Better As a Nigerian

Mind you, you won’t be learning graphic design to promote your business ONLY.

  • You will learn how to come up with breathtaking design that will provoke people to use their two hands, kneel down, beg you, and give you the money you truly deserve.

I don’t even know you.

I don’t know how you jumped on my merciful page.

Sneaking into your mind now and you are thinking I am one of those online scammers that will promise you heaven and earth without fulfilling their promise.

You don’t have to believe whatever you have read so far. 

Erase everything now!

Now look below and see what my students are saying about me.

David is telling you to pay 3K to jump into this corrosive life changing training.

And heck, I will not listen to David. 

I want to teach you for free and you won’t even pay any money after the training. 

How does that sound to you? 

You see, it’s human nature to be lazy, so listen to what Lazy Adewole Shittu have to tell you.

Honestly, I am getting tired of showing you every gold you are about to receive for free. 

And here you are, still looking at your screen, confused if I am kidding that I will sit you down, talk to you like a baby and teach you what you need to know that will make you TURN OFF the spirit of laziness if you are also lazy. 

I am an African (Nigerian to be precise).

My name is Abdulhameed Abdur-Rahman (Elephchild).

I am a Direct Response Marketer who has made reasonable amount of money online by teaching entrepreneurs how to re-set up their business,

to avoid joining 70% of businesses who have went down the drain.

And that will NEVER be your portion if you are still here reading what I am about to show you in few minutes.

Firstly, if you have observed the situation in Nigeria, you will notice that there is no tangible thing this government is willing to do for us. 

⇓ ­Please, Listen To General Muhammadu Buhari Below⇓

“Federal Government has no more job vacancies for the youths. Virtually, every department is filled up, and the same thing in the states and local governments.”
Muhammadu Buhari
President of Nigeria

Did you hear your president?

Directly, without filtering or mincing words, President Muhammadu Buhari is telling you he will NOT make efforts to providing job opportunity for many Nigerians (which I don’t want you to fall victim).

If a whole president can say this, do you think you have 100% greater chance of escaping poverty in this jungle called Nigeria?

According to National Bureau of Statistics reveals Nigeria’s unemployment rate as at the second quarter of 2020 is 27.1% indicating that about  21,764,614 (21.7 million) Nigerians remain unemployed.

The best way to escape poverty in Nigeria is to invest your time and energy in Digital Skill which I am ready to teach you FOR FREE. 

And you shouldn’t feel sad about the Nigeria economy because,

What you will be getting in this 9 day free graphic design and marketing course will equip you and change your life for good (without government support).

My good friend,

Hear me out.

You might have been told that making money online is hard.

Well, that is not true. 

Maybe you are still thinking if what you are about to learn won’t be profitable and a complete waste of time.

Before you conclude, simply look below.

That is my student crushing it silently without government support. And if you are also serious, you will start making more money than him after putting what you learn into practice. 

Stanley confided in me. He paid to have 2 hours marketing strategy session with me. 

After 8 days of crazy implementation, he landed a client that paid him N70,000 advanced payment for N100,000 graphic design job. 

And that is the same strategy I have been using to make money by teaching people smartphone  design WITHOUT thinking what President Muhammadu Buhari have to say. 

But don’t worry, I will teach you for free. 

If you are still reading, you might be eager to ask…

Why Are You Willing To Teach What Will Make Me Money For Free?

Before you get an answer to that question, I have a lot of happy people on my list that will NEVER stop calling me “Father Christmas.”

And this is because I love sharing valuable tips on how people can take their business to the next profitable level (which you will also enjoy for free).

And sincerely, I am not willing to collect your money before and after the 9-Day Undisputed Training that has changed my life and the life of people around me.

Without much addition, there are things you must have before having access to the FREE training.

Don’t panic, because I don’t need your money!

What I need from you is just three simple (3) things to become great in life.

⇒ Firstly, you must have a good Smartphone that is ready to perform some duties that will turn out good for you.

You know you are helping yourself here.

Please, make it easy for me to pour out my heart to you.

⇒ Secondly, you must have data to access the internet which I believe it shouldn’t be hard for you (if truly you are ready to start the millionaire race).

Trust me, it’s a battle between the youths and the government.

⇒ Thirdly, you must be ready to have a great mindset, be discipline, and finish your assignments on time so that you can become your own boss very fast.

I don’t know what you are thinking right now because I am not a wizard.

But if you have been using your data to watch Netflix, YouTube videos, viewing status on WhatsApp WITHOUT making money from it, won’t it be good if you quit that habit that is drawing you back?

Here’s exactly what you are going to learn in 216 hours which is 9 merciful days

⇒ You will learn how to create a mind-blowing design with your Smartphone.

If you have a laptop, please throw it away put it under your bed because you don’t need it in this online training.  

Only your Smartphone is what you need!

And learning how to design is not enough to make money online.

This is why I am telling you to hold my two legs and never let me go


If you are not ready to help me so that my work can be easier, please don’t bother joining this life changing training. 

I want you to be like many of my students who are now confident. 

And many of them are already crushing their goals.

And look at few of them here…

I am going to show you a secret blueprint on how to get good and start making money from what you know how to do best. 

And learning graphic and how to market it so that other people can see it shouldn’t be a problem to you, right? 

And listening to your challenges is what I have made preparation for. And that is what I will do for you and Mrs Tessy have said little about that below.

And if you look at the lady below, you will notice she was so happy after she created the book cover which you can also learn within 9 days and start practicing so that you can charge a client at least N5,000 for what you will do in less than an hour with your smartphone without using laptop. 

And you will be extremely happy when you decide to give it your best shot. 

And if you are still reading, strongly, you can’t be among those youths President Muhammadu is talking about. 

The youths “do nothing” and want everything for “free” in the oil-rich country. “A lot of them (Nigerian youths) haven’t been to school and they are claiming, you know, that Nigeria has been an oil-producing country therefore they should sit and do nothing and get housing, health care, education, free,” Buhari allegedly said.
Muhammadu Buhari
President of Nigeria
  • Also, I will show you how to print your banner, sticker, or anything you design with your Smartphone without being confused.

And please, I will advise you NOT to take me for granted because I am about to embark on sleepless nights to make sure you are good in what I will be teaching you.

  • You will also get a lot of free resources on marketing, and graphic design which costs more than N150,000.

But you don’t need to ask me again why I am giving out all these valuable resources that have generated a lot of money for me and my clients.

  • You will also learn how to compose yourself like a boss and start getting client if you are damn serious, and you are ready to follow my instruction which is very simple.
  • And there is a Sacred Community where you will have access to what will equip you better and level up with my hands holding you to keep doing the right things.

So, you should click the link below and register and join others  before it’s too late.

Once again, congratulation for taking that bold step today. 

And if you are also willing to take your business to the highest level or willing to learn how to become a great entrepreneur for free, then you should quickly join my email list where I share  secrets marketing information that will make you a lot of money even if  another lockdown begins today.

“Tell the truth, but make the truth fascinating. You know you can’t bore people into buying your product, you can only interest them into buying it."
David Ogilvy (1911-1999)
Father of Marketing

Maybe You Are Finding It Hard To Get People To Patronize You

Fortunately today, you will get to join hundreds of action takers who have been getting free and proven marketing tips that work like charm.  

I used “charm” simply because what you will be getting is POTENT and can change your life (even if you are a goal-oriented salesperson or upcoming).

And here is what I am saying:

What I am about to show you is what will make you stand out in the noisy marketplace and have a powerful voice that no one will be able to steal from you. 

Sounds pretty cool to you?

Then why can’t you just say…

I can’t wait to see you in the class to pour out my heart to you.